Evaluation of the Treatment of Karachi Sewage by Recycling and Creating a Livestock Farm in Desert Land

The Development Objectives of the Project according to the Project Document were : improve public health in Karachi by removing sewage from large population centres to a lightly populated and well-managed sewage farm; maximize utilIzation...

Evaluation of the Karachi Master Plan 1986 – 2000

The project document for the Karachi Master Plan 1986-2000 (PAK/86/029) was prepared in 1986 on the basis of work in a preparatory phase under UNCHS assistance. The Project Document was signed by the Government of...

Improving Karachi’s Metropolitan Living Environment through Strengthening Housing Sector Activities – Case Study of Karachi

In the 1980’s Karachi received a large number of refugees from Afghanistan and Iran. There are no definitive figures available but newspaper reports suggest a figure of over 400,000. Most of the Afghans belonged to...

UNCRD Karachi

Kathore Dairy Farming Project 1991

In July 1991, the Al-Hamrika Organisation, which represents over 20 villages of the Jokhio tribe in the Kathore region, applied to the Swiss Inter-cooperation Agency for assistance for purchasing rigs for tube well drilling. On...

Evaluation of the HAD’s Khuda Ki Basti Incremental Housing Scheme

This evaluation of the Khuda-ki-Basti Incremental Housing Scheme of the Hyderabad Development Authority has been done at the request of the House Building Finance Corporation. The evaluation took place between 18 June and 22 July...

Karachi, Miscellaneous

Urban and Rural Development

Pakistan’s population increases at the rate of 3 percent per year: 4.4 percent in the urban and 2.6 percent in the rural areas. In 1985, 30.1 percent of the country’s population lived in urban areas....

Karimabad Planning Support Services

Urban and Rural Development

Pakistan's population increases at the rate of 3 percent per year: 4.4 percent in the urban and 2.6 percent in the rural areas. In 1985, 30.1 percent of the country's population lived in urban areas. In 1993, 35 percent will be living in urban areas. This means that 270,000 houses will be required per year in the urban sector and 250,000 in the rural sector.

A Decade of Urban Decay

During the 1980s, Pakistan’s urban population increased from 28.3 to 31.2 percent of its total population. Expressed in these terms, the increase does not seem excessive. However, what these figures mean is that in the...


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