
We play games You and I and they Play at reconciling what is irreconcilable Agreeing on irrelevant details and grand concepts But glossing over love and understanding That the concepts embody We play games You...

Urban Resource Centre (URC)

Housing and Health

Introduction The relationship of housing with health is well established. This is obvious from the town planning and building regulations which determine various physical aspects of urban and architectural design all over the world. Architects...

The MQM: An Uncertain Future?

Ever since the November elections were announced, a number of political commentators and analysts, both local and foreign, have insisted that no political issues were involved in the campaign. They have maintained that the whole...

Tharparkar – A Man Made Disaster

The three year drought in Tharparkar, which has impoverished the people and the soil of the desert as never before in known history, has come to an end. It has rained heavily and the desert...

The Katchi Abadi Syndrome and the Shelter Sector in Pakistan

In 1984, 31.2 percent of Pakistan’s population lived in urban centres. By 2000 this figure is expected to increase to 40 percent due to an annual population growth rate of 4.4 percent in the urban...

Exon Chemicals Auditorium

Comprehensive Assessment of Drought and Famine in Sind Arid Zones

This report is the result of a joint assessment undertaken by the Government of Sind, and UNICEF (Pakistan) and Save the Childrens Fund (SCF) UK. The assessment team consisted of Philippe Heffinck, Resident Officer, UNICEF...

UNICEF Thar Drought Evaluation

Metroville Lines Area Fringe Area Study

A Generation Comes of Age

Civic strife in Karachi and Hyderabad, Sind’s two largest cities, has escalated in the last two years into what appears to be a major ethnic conflict. The government has responded to the situation by arresting...

The Trauma of Change

Drought conditions in Tharparkar resulting from insufficient and erratic rainfall during the last three years have been heavily publicised recently. However, if the meteorological records are correct, this is certainly not the first drought in...

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