
Origins of the OPP Sanitation Programme

Sometime in 1973, I received a phone call from a person who called himself the ‘Chor (robber) man’ of the federal government’s Appropriate Technology Development Cell (ATDC). He wanted to see me immediately. I told...

Study of Urban Challenges in Karachi from the Perspective of Poor Communities

This report consists of the studies carried out by Arif Hasan and his colleagues under the contract (UPI 73942) with the World Bank. This work carried out between 25 April 2022 and 20 June 2022...

Inside The Underbelly Of Karachi

A lot has been written about Karachi’s housing reality and problems and in very great detail. However, there are a few issues which need to be elaborated. One is the development of large gated housing...

Karachi: What the Census Tells Us

Karachi: What the Census Tells Us By Arif Hasan, Amal Hashim and Dhuha Alvi The census of a country gives us details of its population structure, its socio-economic wellbeing, and the conditions of its human...

Street Economy

This is a preliminary compilation of the work done on the street economy of Karachi, as commissioned by the World Bank. The compilation consists of the following: 1. A summary of the significant issues and...

The Judiciary and the Poor

The judgement of the Supreme Court permitting the demolition of houses along the Gujjar and Orangi Nalas has reinforced the opinion of a number of civil society organizations that Karachi’s planning and policy decisions are...

Karachi: The Impact of the Pandemic

The first lockdown in Karachi happened 27th February 2020. The population was unprepared for it and very soon ran out of food and money. Civil society and the state took it upon themselves to supply...

World Bank and Karachi

According to media reports and the World Bank website, the Bank has approved a US$ 652 million loan for six projects in Karachi. These include US$ 40 million for making KWSB more efficient; US$ 230...

Created Homelessness

In the last 50 years no social housing has been developed in Pakistan except for small schemes by community organizations and NGOs which are not even a drop in the ocean. Grand plans made by...

The Future of Karachi’s “Public Spaces” – An Interview with Archi Times

Public space’ has recently become a buzzword in the world of urban planning. The term has also filtered into Pakistan although there have been individuals and organisations who have worked, against great odds, on the...

The Marginalized

The nalas of Karachi have lost their water carrying capacity because of markets, administrative and related buildings and car parks of the Sindh Government, road infrastructure, and elite colonies, and katchi abadis have been built...

Why Karachi Floods

Governments are quick to blame devastating floods on climate change. But many of the reasons for these floods are to do with what governments have not done. Here, Arif Hasan reviews the many reasons why...

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