Water & Sanitation

Origins of the OPP Sanitation Programme

Sometime in 1973, I received a phone call from a person who called himself the ‘Chor (robber) man’ of the federal government’s Appropriate Technology Development Cell (ATDC). He wanted to see me immediately. I told...

Ugly Karachi

KARACHI is becoming an increasingly anarchic, ugly and divided city — but is loved and glorified by its comparatively well-to-do citizens, public intellectuals and those in search of an identity. Loving Karachi is understandable but...

Orangi Pilot Project

Excerpt from the presentation: Orangi is a Karachi town consisting of an agglomeration of katchi abadis and has a population of 1.2 million The OPP was established in 1980 to overcome the constraints faced by...

Karachi Rains and the Drainage Channels – Issues and Solutions

This file is available for download: P08 – Karachi Rains and the Drainage Channels – Issues and Solutions [PDF, 1.7 MB]


This presentation is available for download: P06 – Housing [PDF, 4.4 MB]

Shirakati Taraqqi

This book is in Urdu. Please click on the thumbnail below to read the blurb.

Participatory Development

The Story of the Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute and the Urban Resource Centre, Karachi, Pakistan This book describes Karachi-based projects which have used a successful model of participatory development. It consists of three parts. Part one...

The Evolution of Karachi

This presentation is available for download: P04 – The Evolution of Karachi [PDF, 6 MB]

The Water and Sanitation Challenge: The Conflict Between Reality and Planning Paradigms

Thank you for inviting me to talk on this very important issue. I have not yet written a proper paper but I have prepared a detailed outline from which I will read Since the late...

Karachi Mansooba Saazi aur Taraqiati Mutabadilat

The blurb for this book is in Urdu. Please click on the thumbnail below to view a larger image of the blurb:

Nagarparkar Talluka Planning Project

This Report is available for download in 3 Volumes: 1. TRDP I – Existing Conditions & Future Scenarios [PDF, 494KB] 2. TRDP II – Mapping Existing Conditions [PDF, 20MB] 3. TRDP III – Recommendations and...

Planning and Development Options for Karachi

Arif Hasan’s research work and analysis on human settlements and urban and rural development is contained in a number of books authored by him and in papers in international academic journals. Much of this work...

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