Famine & Drought

Thar, Drought and Change

Rainfall figures over the last 100 years tell us that drought is no stranger to Thar. However, over centuries, Tharri society has devised ways to deal with it. One is migration to the barrage areas...

Evaluation of Thar Rural Development Project

1. BACKGROUND  Throughout 1987, Thar, the desert region in the south-eastern part of the Sindh province in Pakistan, was in the news (for Thar’s location see Appendix – 1: Map of Pakistan). It was reported...

Comprehensive Assessment of Drought and Famine in Sind Arid Zones

This report is the result of a joint assessment undertaken by the Government of Sind, and UNICEF (Pakistan) and Save the Childrens Fund (SCF) UK. The assessment team consisted of Philippe Heffinck, Resident Officer, UNICEF...

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