The Changing Face of Karachi

With its chaotic traffic, haphazard planning rampant encroachments, the once elegant and sophisticated heart of Karachi has changed dramatically over the years. Where there were once magnificent sandstone structures, there are now commercial plazas, warehouses...

Evaluation of Thar Rural Development Project

1. BACKGROUND  Throughout 1987, Thar, the desert region in the south-eastern part of the Sindh province in Pakistan, was in the news (for Thar’s location see Appendix – 1: Map of Pakistan). It was reported...

General Environmental Facilitation (GEF) Small Grants Programme for Pakistan: Assessment of conditions and recommendations

Consultancy Objectives and Scope of Work The GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) Pakistan is one of the 30 pilot countries for the GEF-SGP. The Programme aims at supporting NGO projects that deal with the following...

AKF Self Help School Building Prototype, Northern Areas

The Unresolved Conflict

Since 1947, when Pakistan was created, major demographic, social and economic changes have taken place in the country. These changes are so enormous that they can be termed revolutionary. However, they have not been institutionalised...

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Impression and Comments

Sitting through the discussions of the Steering Committee [...] I came to realise the potential that the Award possesses for positively effecting the physical environment of our cities and rural areas.

Lyari Expressway – The Envionmental Cost of the Lyari Expressway

A proposal to build an elevated expressway over the length of the Lyari river from Mauripur Road to Sohrab Goth was promoted in 1990 by a Karachi NGO. From newspaper reports and seminar presentations one...

Poetry And Development

The gardener cannot know the secrets of the garden Until he has been bruised by the thorns that protect the flowers.   Because of the drought the peasant knows it has not rained on the...

Baltit Fort Houses

Seven Reports on Housing

  Please click here to download this book.

Housing and Physical Planning

In 1985, 30.1 percent of the country’s population lived in urban areas. In 1991, 35 percent will be living in the urban areas. This means that during this period approximately 250,000 new houses will be required per year in the urban sector and approximately 275,000 in the rural sector, if the average household size is taken as 6. Almost 65 percent of this requirement is for the lower income groups.

Evaluation of the Karachi Coastal Management Plan

Development Objectives The development objectives of tile Project were a) to improve the recreational opportunities available to residents of Karachi; b) to strengthen land-use planning for the development of the coastline of Karachi: c)  to build environmental conservation...

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