Karachi Fringe Area, UNESCAP

Gadani Ketibundar Dambundar Sur, UNESCAP

Day of the Middleman

The no confidence motion moved by the COP in the national assembly, and the political manoeuvring that accompanied it, has dominated the national media for the past few weeks. Both parliamentary groups emphasised that only...

Aga Khan Foundation Self Helf School Building Programme

The Death of the Indus Delta

Before the development of the Punjab canal colonies at the turn of the century and the construction of barrages for irrigation purposes between 1932 and 1960, the Indus discharged at an average, over 200,000 cusecs...

Community Development Groups in the Urban Field in Pakistan

The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) in Pakistan has so far concentrated its activities on providing assistance to rural development. However, between 1972 and 1981, the urban population of Pakistan has increased from 25 percent of...

Karachi in the 1980s

Orangi Research Training Institute (OPP-RTI), Karachi

The Sindh Cauldron

The present state of political unrest and social anarchy in Sindh cannot be explained by the application of conventional political theories based on class or nationality, as our leaders, political pundits and intellectuals have been...

SDC Study – Lahore, Hyderabad & Peshawar

The Grand Compromise

The Prime Minister makes brave speeches. With great confidence she inaugurates the wheat growing season and the People’s Works Programme. She is nominated for prestigious international awards and she accepts the nominations gracefully. She visits...

Environmental Profile of Coastal Communities

The coastal talukas for the most part form part of the Indus delta. This area consists fo the Indus distributaries which discharge into numerous creeks that criss-cross the shore. All settlements are on the mud...

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