Evaluation of the Karachi Master Plan 1986 – 2000
The project document for the Karachi Master Plan 1986-2000 (PAK/86/029) was prepared in 1986 on the basis of work in a preparatory phase under UNCHS assistance. The Project Document was signed by the Government of Pakistan. UNCHS (the executing agency) and UNDP in October 1987. The recipient of technical assistance and the government implementing agency was the Karachi Development Authority (KDA). The Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) arrived in September 1987; the sub-contractor or the technical assistance contract (planning consultancy) was selected in November 1987 and started work in March 1988. The TOR for the technical assistance sub-contract were finalized in August 1987, amendments to TOR were discussed in the Tripartite Review of February 28, 1989; the sub-contractor’s proposal for revision was made on March 21, 1989 and formally approved in August 1989.
Karachi, Pakistan’s largest city, the only seaport, the main international airport, the largest industrial centre, and the capital for more than a decade after Independence, has grown from a city of 1 million in 1951 to an estimated 8 million in 1991, and projected to increase to 11.8 million by the year 2000.
Download the full report here: Evaluation of the Karachi Master Plan 1986 – 2000 [PDF, 10 MB]