Options for Urban Poverty Alleviation Actions at Municipal Level for Sukkur (Pakistan)

Informal Sector in the City It is estimated that between 30 to 40 percent of the city labour force works in the informal industrial sector. This sector consists of small steel foundries, textile looms, textile...

The KMTP and its Impact on the Urban Landscape of Karachi

The Karachi Mass Transit Project (KMTP) has been planned by the Karachi Mass Transit Cell (KMTC) of the Karachi Development Authority (KDA) and World Bank consultants. It is to be built on a Build Operate...

Link With The Past

Design, whether in art, architecture or utilitarian products, is shaped by a variety of factors. These factors are related to politics, sociology, economics, culture, influences from the past, and levels of technology. Contrary to the...

Human Resources Development for an Affordable and Sustainable Rural Water and Sanitation Programme

This report is an assessment of existing Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Schemes (RWSS) in Sindh for use of community participation in design, implementation, operation and maintenance (O & M); and preparation of pilot projects...

It Has Been a Long Journey

It has been a long journey, From the winding brick paved lanes of Panipat1, Where Boo Ali Qalandar2 Preached the unification of God and Man, To the wide avenues and squares of Paris, Where Voltaire...

Government, International Agencies and OPP Collaboration for the Replication of OPP‘S Low Cost Sanitation Programme

Orangi Township is the largest squatter settlement in Karachi. It is spread over 8,000 acres and has a population of about 900,000 living in 94,122 houses.

The “Barefoot” Architect

In the last century massive social, political and demographic changes have taken place in the Third World due to colonial occupation, the industrial revolution and its global repercussions, and the nature and aspirations of the post-World War two liberation movements and their geo-political alignments.

Evaluation of the Community Development Work at Rehri Carried out by the Coastal Ecosystem Unit (IUCN)

Introduction The Indus delta region is said to contain the largest expanse of arid land mangroves in the world. They are dependent on the river Indus for their fresh water requirements. These mangroves are under...

Karachi and the Global Nature of Urban Violence

In 1991, according to official figures, 466 murders were committed in Karachi; there were 802 attempted murders; 421 cases of rioting, many of them against civic agencies; 103 rapes; 140 kidnappings for ransom; 12 of...

User Charges for Rural Water Supply in the Punjab

Fifty seven percent of Pakistan’s population lives in the Punjab; in 1988 the rural population of province was estimated to be 39.4 million. The rural growth rate in the 5 year plan documents is shown...

Scaling-up of the OPP Low-Cost Sanitation Programme

Find this on the OPP-RTI site.

Environmental Repurcussions of Development in Pakistan

About the Authors Arif Hasan was born in Delhi (India), in 1943, and migrated with his parents to Karachi (Pakistan) in 1947, where he has lived since then. He studied architecture at the Oxford Polytechnic,...

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