Water & Sanitation

Financing the Sanitation Programme of the Orangi Pilot Project – Research and Training Institute

ABSTRACT This paper describes the financing mechanisms for the sanitation programme supported by the Orangi Pilot Project’s Research and Training Institute (OPP–RTI) in informal settlements in Karachi and other urban centres in Pakistan. These centre...

Background Paper on Sanitation and National Sanitation Policy

According to the Population Census 1998, Pakistan’s urban growth rate is 3.5 per cent. Its urban population has increased from 23.8 million in 1981 to 43 million in 1998, that is, from 28.3 per cent...

The Sanitation Programme of the Orangi Pilot Project – Research and Training Institute, Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan requires 350,000 new housing units per year for its urban areas. The formal sector is able to supply only 120,000 housing units per year.

Some Water and Sanitation Related Issues: Initial Thoughts

1. Observed and Documented Ground Realities 1.1       In the urban areas of Pakistan sewage schemes have been formally planned over the years to dispose into the natural drainage system. This reality is often ignored when trying...

The Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute’s Mapping Process and its Repercussions

This monograph deals with the process of development of expertise in the OPP-RTI and the communities it supports for mapping informal settlements and urban infrastructure.

Sindh: State of Environment and Development

Find this book on the IUCN World Conservation Bookstore.

Rural Sanitation

Before pop­u­la­tion den­si­ties increased, san­i­ta­tion was not a major envi­ron­men­tal and health prob­lem for the rural areas. Vil­lages were small and most peo­ple went out into the fields to answer the call of nature. The...

The Scaling-Up of the OPP’s Low Cost Sanitation Programme Through CBO-NGO-Local Government Partnerships in Pakistan

The objective of the project was to understand the problems of Orangi and their causes; through action research develop solutions that people can manage finance and build; provide people with technical guidance and managerial support to implement the solutions; in the process overcome constraints that governments face in upgrading katchi abadis

Towards a Drainage System for Karachi

As predicted in various newspaper articles, research monographs by Karachi academics and professionals and NGO researchers and activists, the monsoons have devastated the city. They will devastate the city again, irrespective of how much money...

Technology and Social Issues

There are three key terms in the topic of this seminar. These are (1) research and development (R&D), (2) low income housing / shelter and (3) appropriate technologies. All three terms are closely related to...

Understanding Karachi: Planning and Reform for the Future

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Working with Communities

This book documents the work of the Orangi Pilot Project-Research & Training Institute (OPP-RTI) with CBOs and NGOs in replicating its low cost sanitation programme which originated in the lanes and neighbourhood of Orangi in...

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