Asian Inner Cities: Concerns of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR)

In almost all cases the inner cities of Asia’s large urban centres consist of old walled settlements and the expansion around them in colonial times. By 1940, few of these cities were more than 400,000...

Sindh: State of Environment and Development

Find this book on the IUCN World Conservation Bookstore.

Karachi: Past, Present and Future

Legend has it that Karrack Bunder was an important port on the Arabian Sea in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. It handled the South Indian-Central Asian trade and was situated about forty kilometres...

Access To Shelter

Shelter is not just a roof over one’s head. It has to be seen as part of a larger physical and social environment which is referred to by planners as housing which means access to land, physical infrastructure, nearness to places of work or access to comfortable transportation, and social infrastructure.

Livelihood Substitution: The Case of the Lyari Expressway

Surveys were carried out in settlements in a one-kilometre stretch along the northern bank of the Lyari River which collectively contain approximately 2,000 houses. They include both regularised areas as well as unauthorised katchi abadis (square settlements). The results of these surveys are analysed here.

Urban and Regional Planning – Past Precedents and Future Prospects

Since the development of the bronze-age civilizations human settlements and agricultural production have always been planned in some form or the other; there was always a close relationship between the two. The extent of agricultural surplus and trade in its manufactured goods determined the size of the city.

Appropriate Building Design for Uch and Other Cities of Southern Punjab

1. Preamble The Conservation and Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) Lahore, was commissioned by the UNDP (Islamabad office) for carrying out a number of activities related to the preparation of Appropriate Building Design for Uch and Other...

Sindh Zamindar Hotel

Download details of this project: Adaptive Re-use of Sindh Zamindar Hotel [PDF, 5.5 MB]

The Lyari Expressway: Citizen’s Concerns and Community Resistance

The Lyari River rises in the foothills of the Kirthar Range. It is a seasonal river and flows only when it rains in its catchment area. Such rains never last for more than ten to...

The Mega Projects that Karachi Needs

Two mega projects are under construction in Karachi. One is the Lyari Expressway and the other is the Northern Bypass. The Lyari Expressway at best is a controversial project. It has been criticised by academics,...

Rural Sanitation

Before pop­u­la­tion den­si­ties increased, san­i­ta­tion was not a major envi­ron­men­tal and health prob­lem for the rural areas. Vil­lages were small and most peo­ple went out into the fields to answer the call of nature. The...

Understanding Karachi’s Traffic Problems

Karachi’s traffic and transport problems are increasing rapidly. There are huge traffic jams every day inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of commuters; pavements and even entire streets have been encroached upon at all key transit locations,...

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