Housing: Lessons From the Urban Housing Demand-Supply Gap in Pakistan

This presentation draws upon the work of: The Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) and its replications in 176 locations in 11 Pakistan towns The Urban Resource Centre (URC), Karachi OPP/URC research supported by or in collaboration...

Lyari Expressway: Citizens Concerns and Community Opposition (Abstract)

The Northern Bypass was proposed by the 1975-85 Karachi Master Plan to create a direct link between the Port and the Super Highway to the north, as a result of which, heavy diesel port related traffic would not have to pass through the city. For a number of reasons, which will be discussed in the paper, the Bypass was not built.

The Scaling-Up of the OPP’s Low Cost Sanitation Programme Through CBO-NGO-Local Government Partnerships in Pakistan

The objective of the project was to understand the problems of Orangi and their causes; through action research develop solutions that people can manage finance and build; provide people with technical guidance and managerial support to implement the solutions; in the process overcome constraints that governments face in upgrading katchi abadis

Karachi Mass Transit: What we can learn from others

Recently, a seminar on rail based mass transit systems was arranged in Karachi by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Pakistan and the Mass Transit Cell of the Karachi City Government. In a paper...

NORAD Evaluation Northern Areas Self Helf School Building Programme

To Ashraf – My Neighbour’s Son

Ashraf You were no Islamic fundamentalist Your beard was not a fistful And you did not carry the mark of the sijdah on your forehead In Ramadan You did not spend your days in fasting...

Northern Areas, Conversations

NORAD Funded Education Programme of the AKDN in the Northern Areas  Selected Parts of Consultancy Field Notes Download the report: Northern Areas, Conversations [PDF, 163 KB]

Towards a Drainage System for Karachi

As predicted in various newspaper articles, research monographs by Karachi academics and professionals and NGO researchers and activists, the monsoons have devastated the city. They will devastate the city again, irrespective of how much money...

The Death of the Indus Delta

This is not a technical paper. It consists primarily of observations regarding the changes that have occurred in the physical and social environment of the delta region in my life time. As a child and...

Pakistan Mapping Study

This study is about how mapping is done in Pakistan for planning purposes. It focuses in on the Lyari Town in Karachi which is an administrative area of the city inhabited for the most part...

A Case Study of the OPP-RTI : Localising Habitat Agenda Research Project (Draft)

Pakistan is a poor country. According to the UNDP Human Development Report 2002, its Human Development Index (HDI) rank is 138 out of 173 countries. Poverty is also increasing in Pakistan. In 1987-88 it was 17.6 per...

Report on a Visit to Cambodia for the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR), Bangkok

February 06, 2003 Discussions at the UPDF office. The following conclusions emerge:  The UPDF office staff needs to understand the structure of local government, the new devolution plan and what this means for the poor....

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