Architectural Education In A Changing World

1.  The Purpose Of Architectural Education In my opinion the purpose of architectural education is to produce professionals who can help create a physical environment and support structures that promote social harmony, economic betterment, improved health...

A Development Plan for Karachi

The purpose of a development plan is to create a physical environment and support structures that promote social harmony, economic betterment, and improved health conditions. An understanding of the city and its trends is a...

Livelihood Substitution DFID Karachi Research: Lyari Expressway

1.  Background The Northern Bypass was proposed by the Karachi Master Plan 1975 – 85. If the Bypass had been built, all port related traffic which now passes through the city, would have been redirected...

Lyari Expressway Controversy

PREAMBLE The Northern Bypass was proposed by the Karachi Master Plan 1975-85. If the bypass had been built, all port related traffic, which now passes through the city, would have been redirected through it to...

Local Agenda 21 And The Asian Context

1.  Preamble This is not a research paper. It draws upon my experience of dealing with urban communities, NGOs, local government and academia in a number of cities in South and South East Asia over...

History and Trends

Karachi’s Changing Context: A presentation on the impact of Political, Economic and Social trends in Karachi. This presentation is available for download: P05 – History and Trends [PDF, 115 KB]

Technology and Social Issues

There are three key terms in the topic of this seminar. These are (1) research and development (R&D), (2) low income housing / shelter and (3) appropriate technologies. All three terms are closely related to...

Technology And Development: What Kibria Has Taught Us

Ghulam Kibria has written at great length on the subject of development and technology. His writings include books, consultancy reports, newspaper articles, technical papers and populist pieces. These are available for any one who wishes...

No to the Lyari Expressway

The immense humanitarian disaster (physical, social and economic) that is being created as a result of the building of the Lyari Expressway has been covered by the press. Urban planning considerations for and against the...

Reporting on ‘Slums’: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan

In low income settlements, with the second generation of low income settlement dwellers growing up, the demand for services and for a better level of service is increasing. The old process of lobbying for improvements...

Understanding Karachi: Planning and Reform for the Future

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ACHR Mission Report (Chapters by Arif Hasan)

The Asian Urban Context and the Poor This section is derived from the discussions that the Mission members had with ACHR partners and communities and from their personal experiences of working in development projects in...

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