Sindh Zamindar Hotel
Download details of this project: Adaptive Re-use of Sindh Zamindar Hotel [PDF, 5.5 MB]
Download details of this project: Adaptive Re-use of Sindh Zamindar Hotel [PDF, 5.5 MB]
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sir i have just gone through your file of pdf about the “adaptive re-use of sindh zamindar hotel karachi”,it was very good for me as a student of architecture at dawood university of engineering and technology karachi…sir , may i use this file as case study for the subject of “conservation and adaptive re-use “?
All information on the website is free to use for personal or commercial use. However, you MUST credit Arif Hasan as the source of any of the information used on the website, and if possible, link back to the web page where you found it.