
Participation By Whom?

Residents of informal settlements in Pakistan invest large sums of money in acquiring water and sanitation through community efforts. Where de-facto or de-jure tenure security exists, this investment is much larger. In the initial stages,...

The Role of the Informal Sector in Provision of Urban Housing and Facilities

The formal sector in housing in Pakistan caters to less than 20 percent of the housing demand. Seventy two percent of this demand is for low and lower middle income housing. The major reason for...

A Case study of the Urban Basic Services Programme in Sukkur, Sindh Province, Pakistan

Executive Summary The large demand-supply gap in the housing sector in Pakistan has led the creation or unserviced or under-services squatter settlements or katchi abadis. It is estimated that over 40 percent of Pakistan’s urban...

What is Karachi Really Fighting For?

The fundamental cause of the alienation among Karachi’s lower middle and working class population does not lie simply in the ‘deprivation’ suffered by the mohajirs and the absence of an effective local government for the...

Report for the ODA (UK) on Four Participatory Development Projects in Pakistan

The Urban Scene in Pakistan Pakistan’s urban population is 37.6 million out of a total population of 115.4 million. Which makes it 32.6 percent of the total population. It is growing at a rate of...

Options for Urban Poverty Alleviation Actions at Municipal Level for Sukkur (Pakistan)

Informal Sector in the City It is estimated that between 30 to 40 percent of the city labour force works in the informal industrial sector. This sector consists of small steel foundries, textile looms, textile...

Human Resources Development for an Affordable and Sustainable Rural Water and Sanitation Programme

This report is an assessment of existing Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Schemes (RWSS) in Sindh for use of community participation in design, implementation, operation and maintenance (O & M); and preparation of pilot projects...

Government, International Agencies and OPP Collaboration for the Replication of OPP‘S Low Cost Sanitation Programme

Orangi Township is the largest squatter settlement in Karachi. It is spread over 8,000 acres and has a population of about 900,000 living in 94,122 houses.

Karachi and the Global Nature of Urban Violence

In 1991, according to official figures, 466 murders were committed in Karachi; there were 802 attempted murders; 421 cases of rioting, many of them against civic agencies; 103 rapes; 140 kidnappings for ransom; 12 of...

User Charges for Rural Water Supply in the Punjab

Fifty seven percent of Pakistan’s population lives in the Punjab; in 1988 the rural population of province was estimated to be 39.4 million. The rural growth rate in the 5 year plan documents is shown...

Scaling-up of the OPP Low-Cost Sanitation Programme

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AKF Self Help School Building Prototype, Northern Areas

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