
The Twilight of the Waderas

Highway robberies; kidnappings; carrying of unlicensed guns in the streets; private armies; an impotent administration; closed universities; non-collection of revenue; failure to maintain canals, drainage channels and roads; migration of middle landlords and capitalists to...

Water Assessment Reports for UNICEF

This report is the result of a request by UNICEF to evaluate the design concept and technical details of the BIAD/UNICEF Water Supply and Sanitation Programme for Balochistan. To make this evaluation possible, the Pir...

Initiatives in Grassroot’s Participation

Over 40 percent of the population in our cities live in substandard housing, in squatter colonies, with no security of tenure. In spite of elaborate studies on this aspect of the problem, by national and international development agencies and experts, and in spite of the evolution and application of new and alternative strategies for development, the problem continues to grow.

OPP – Community Participation and Modification in Sanitation Technology

The house owners have understood the importance of sanitation and sewerage, not only to safeguard their health from infectious diseases, but to save their valuable houses from water-logging.

The OPP Sanitation Project

The OPP Sanitation Project: What needs to be done I have spent two days in Orangi and looked at the Sanitation Project. My comments are as under: 1. The process adopted by Dr. Khan is...

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