User Charges for Rural Water Supply in the Punjab
Fifty seven percent of Pakistan’s population lives in the Punjab; in 1988 the rural population of province was estimated to be 39.4 million. The rural growth rate in the 5 year plan documents is shown as 1. 92 percent for the 1988 to 1993 period and further reduced to 1.42 percent in the 1993 to 1998 period. The overall population growth rate for the province averages 3.1 percent for the 1988 to 1993 period and the lower rural growth rate is the result of urbanization. 64 percent of the rural population lives in villages of more than 2000 people and only 14 percent in villages of less than 1000 people. These figures have a direct bearing on the development of not only, the technical aspects of rural water supply systems but also on the type of institutional arrangements required for delivery and revenue collection systems. These are discussed in Section B.
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