Architecture & Planning

Ahsan House

Nagarparkar Taluka Planning Project Background and Proposals

Between August and October 2008, Arif Hasan and his colleagues from Hasan and Polak (architects and planners) visited Nagarparkar Taluka several times and had discussions with the TRDP, local communities and local government representatives and agencies at various...

Nagarparkar – Densification of Residential Areas

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Nagarparkar Images

Mithi Hostel Facility, Mithi

Nagarparkar Talluka Planning Project

This Report is available for download in 3 Volumes: 1. TRDP I – Existing Conditions & Future Scenarios [PDF, 494KB] 2. TRDP II – Mapping Existing Conditions [PDF, 20MB] 3. TRDP III – Recommendations and...

Nagarparkar Cottages and Museum, Nagarparkar

This Project is part of a larger tourism promotion programme of Thardeep Rual Development Project (TRDP). The project is divided into three stages: Five Cottages Fourteen room hostel, restaurant and museum Convention Center So far,...

Teaching the Theory of Architecture

Recently I have been involved in a number of discussions with teachers from architecture schools in Pakistan regarding the teaching of theory. I would like to share a few experiences and ideas. I taught design regularly at...

Convocation Address

Members of the Board of Governors of the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, faculty members, ladies, gentlemen and students. First of all I would like to thank the Board of Governors for having...

SPO Multan

Habib Public School, Karachi

Asian Inner Cities: Concerns of the Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR)

In almost all cases the inner cities of Asia’s large urban centres consist of old walled settlements and the expansion around them in colonial times. By 1940, few of these cities were more than 400,000...

Sindh Zamindar Hotel

Download details of this project: Adaptive Re-use of Sindh Zamindar Hotel [PDF, 5.5 MB]

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