Architecture & Planning

Kasbo Tourist Facility, Kasbo


This presentation is available for download: P06 – Housing [PDF, 4.4 MB]

The Replanning of Saiban City, Lahore

Download this Report: The Replanning of Saiban City, Lahore [PDF, 4.8 MB]

Berlin Impressions: Occidentalism?

15 March 2011: Berlin Tegel Airport: Going back to Karachi after spending 11 days as Kamran’s guest at the Wissenschaftskolleg. It was not my first visit to Berlin but since it was a long one,...

Comments on Syllabi of Courses

1. The comments given below are based on my experience of teaching. In making these comments I have not taken into consideration the constraints, both administrative and faculty related, that are faced by the teachers...

Mushtaq House

Saiban 3, Karachi

Karachi Density Study

More information on the Karachi Density Study can be found on Download the compiled report here: IIED Density Study: 04 Cases of Housing in Karachi [PDF, 10.9MB]

The World Class City Concept

The World Class City Concept and Its Repercussions on Urban Planning for Cities in the South. This file is available for download: The World Class City Concept [PDF, 6.8 MB]

SRSO Complex, Sukkur

The World Class City Concept and its Repercussions on Urban Planning for Cities in the Asia Pacific Region

(The contents of this paper are drawn from my personal experiences of working or being associated with programmes and projects in a number of Asian cities over the last two and a half decades and...

Architectural Theory

A dialogue with Dawood College students and faculty on Architectural Theory. This presentation is available for download: P01 – Architectural Theory [PDF, 2.2 MB]

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