Responsibility Of The Press: A Citizen’s View

I have been asked to present the citizen’s view point regarding the responsibility of the press. However, I can only present the point of view of a citizen. Moreover, it is a biased view point; biased by the work I do and which is related to physical and social development.

Report of the Follow-up ACHR Mission to Central Asia

In February and March of 1996, an Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) Mission, consisting of Father Jorge Anzorena and Arif Hasan, visited Almaty and Bishkek at the request of DIA and HIC. DIA funded...

Urban Housing Policies and Approaches in a Changing Asian Context

Major changes are taking place in Asia, both at the macro level and “on the ground”. Liberalisation of the economy, strategic readjustment, the tourist and manufacturing boom and large scale demographic changes are creating both...

Views on Housing and Physical Planning Section of 9th Five Year Plan

Over 80 per cent of all housing in Pakistan is provided by the informal sector because of the following reasons.

Possible Directions for the Regulations and Bye-Laws Sub-Committee of the Oversee Committee of Karachi Building Control Authority (KBCA)

1. General 1.1 Zoning regulations and bye-laws have to respond to the needs of the city and the trends and directions of growth and change. It is essential to know these trends. The Karachi Development...

Planning for High Density in Low Income Settlements: Introduction to Four Case-Studies from Karachi

In many large Asian cities, planners have begun to clear informal inner-city settlements and replace them with commercial and middle-class neighbourhoods, seeking to project an image of modernity and prosperity to foreign investors. Low-income residents...

Hijacking the Process

Social and economic change can only be institutionalised through a process of struggle for reform. But by the dismissal of representative governments, the people of Pakistan are told that reform, its nature and process, cannot...

The Housing Crisis in Central Asia

Background to the Mission  Dutch Inter church Aid (DIA) has been working with problems related to homelessness and informal settlements in Almaty and Bishkek. In early 1995 it felt that it required professional advise on...

Participation By Whom?

Residents of informal settlements in Pakistan invest large sums of money in acquiring water and sanitation through community efforts. Where de-facto or de-jure tenure security exists, this investment is much larger. In the initial stages,...

Conserving Karachi’s Historic Architecture

Karachi was established in 1729 as a fortified port settlement. Although the city is only 250 years old, there are places of pilgrimage within it that go back to more than 2000 years. Most of...

Buildings of Bundar Road, Karachi

The Role of the Informal Sector in Provision of Urban Housing and Facilities

The formal sector in housing in Pakistan caters to less than 20 percent of the housing demand. Seventy two percent of this demand is for low and lower middle income housing. The major reason for...

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