A Development Plan for Karachi
The purpose of a development plan is to create a physical environment and support structures that promote social harmony, economic betterment, and improved health conditions. An understanding of the city and its trends is a...
Livelihood Substitution DFID Karachi Research: Lyari Expressway
1. Background The Northern Bypass was proposed by the Karachi Master Plan 1975 – 85. If the Bypass had been built, all port related traffic which now passes through the city, would have been redirected...
Local Agenda 21 And The Asian Context
1. Preamble This is not a research paper. It draws upon my experience of dealing with urban communities, NGOs, local government and academia in a number of cities in South and South East Asia over...
History and Trends
Karachi’s Changing Context: A presentation on the impact of Political, Economic and Social trends in Karachi. This presentation is available for download: P05 – History and Trends [PDF, 115 KB]
No to the Lyari Expressway
The immense humanitarian disaster (physical, social and economic) that is being created as a result of the building of the Lyari Expressway has been covered by the press. Urban planning considerations for and against the...
Reporting on ‘Slums’: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan
In low income settlements, with the second generation of low income settlement dwellers growing up, the demand for services and for a better level of service is increasing. The old process of lobbying for improvements...
Understanding Karachi: Planning and Reform for the Future
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Lyari expressway: Concerns of the URC
SUMMARY Many thousand families live in and along the Lyari River bed which is really a sewage channel except when it rains. The majority of the families within the bed work in garbage collecting and...
Illegality and The Built Environment in Karachi
(Illegality has been put in parenthesis in the title and the text, because laws are strange things. Thousands of people were convicted under built environment related apartheid laws in South Africa and Israeli law and...
Working with Communities
This book documents the work of the Orangi Pilot Project-Research & Training Institute (OPP-RTI) with CBOs and NGOs in replicating its low cost sanitation programme which originated in the lanes and neighbourhood of Orangi in...
Karachi: What the Census Tells Us
The 1998 Karachi census results have confirmed what a small group of researchers and activists have been saying all along regarding changing physical and social conditions in the city and about the fact that the...
Housing for the Poor
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