Lessons from Karachi: The role of Demonstration, Documentation, Mapping and Relationship Building in Advocacy for Improved Urban Municipal Services
Karachi Karachi is Pakistan’s only port city. It contains 10 per cent of the total population of Pakistan and 25 per cent of its urban population. Nearly 20 percent of the country’s GDP, 45 percent...
Karachi Waterfront Projects
Project Descriptions, Civil Society Concerns and Developers’ Profiles Preamble Several waterfront development projects have been proposed for the coastal city of Karachi. These include the Sugarland City, the sale of islands for the development of...
The Hawkers of Saddar Bazaar
Saddar’s problems can only be solved as part of a larger city planning exercise that deals with the traffic and transport problems of the city in general and Saddar in particular. The hawkers and entertainers...
Architects, Local Government and Karachi’s Buildings and Public Spaces
A discerning visitor looking at buildings and public space in any city can easily assess four things. These are the state of the architecture and planning professions in the city; the quality of education provided...
Sugarland City
Four Principles of Urban Planning Urban Development (such as Sugarland City) has to be based on some principles of sustainability (which also includes equity and justice). Four basic principles are given below. Planning should respect...
The Karachi Elevated Expressway
The Karachi City Government has decided to build an elevated expressway, called the Karachi Elevated Expressway (KEE) from Jinnah Bridge to Quaidabad. The Expressway will pass over Moulvi Tamizzuddin Road, Club Road and Shahrah-e-Faisal. The...
Reforms in KW&SB – An Overview For Civil Society
A presentation on the reforms in Karachi Water & Sewerage Board (KW&SB), by Brig Iftikhar Hyder, Managing Director KW&SB. Click here to download
The Neo-Liberal Urban Development Paradigm and Civil Society Responses in Karachi, Pakistan
Introduction The Asian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR) is an Asia-Pacific Network of professionals, NGOs and community organisations. Its headquarters are in Bangkok. The decision to create the ACHR was taken in 1987 and was...
Karachi 2025: A City of Dreams
A presentation prepared in collaboration with URC and OPP on the possibilities for Karachi in 2025. This file is available for download: P19_Karachi 2025 – A City of Dreams [PDF, 57 KB]
The Scale and Causes of Urban Change in Pakistan
The census process and results are very important in the political context of Pakistan. There are a number of reasons for this. The number of seats in the national assembly for each province are allocated on the...
Karachi’s Development and the Principles of Urban Planning
To overcome problems created by massive rural-urban migration, industrialisation, increased trade, a phenomenal rise in the number of vehicles, and their related environmental and socio-economic repercussions, Third World cities and governments have invested huge amounts...