Working with Communities

This book documents the work of the Orangi Pilot Project-Research & Training Institute (OPP-RTI) with CBOs and NGOs in replicating its low cost sanitation programme which originated in the lanes and neighbourhood of Orangi in...

Karachi: What the Census Tells Us

The 1998 Karachi census results have confirmed what a small group of researchers and activists have been saying all along regarding changing physical and social conditions in the city and about the fact that the...

Karachi Analysis Development

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Housing for the Poor

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The Social and Demographic Change in Karachi

Major changes took place in Karachi between 1947 and 1951. Six hundred thousand inhabitants were added to its population; the Hindu population decreased from 51 to 2 per cent while the Muslim population increased to...

BRSP Center Rakhni

Aurat Foundation’s View on the Proposed National Transport Policy for Pakistan

Aurat Foundation strongly feels that the principles it has set out are important because structural readjustment, world trade tariffs and the repercussions of the development of a global economy are increasing poverty of which Pakistani women and children are the prime victims.

Scaling Up of the Orangi Pilot Project Programmes: Successes, Failures and Potential

In Karachi, where Orangi is located, the OPP, on the basis of its 20 years work with communities, has become involved in developing city level alternatives to government plans and is pressing for these alternatives to become policy.

Piler Complex, Karachi

Karachi’s Physical Planning Issues on the Eve of the Millennium

If proper rules, regulations and procedures for regularisation of building and land use violations, commercialisation and non-utilisation fee are developed for the KDA, the major source of corruption and public inconvenient will be removed. Also, if the KDA Director General is given the power to choose his own team and to determine postings and transfers within his organisation, (which he does not have at present) he can be held responsible for the affairs of KDA.

The Work of the Anjuman Samaji Behbood and the Larger Faisalabad Context

In September 1988, Diana Mitlin of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UK, suggested that I carry out a study on the scaling up of the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP). I informed her...

Akhtar Hameed Khan and the Orangi Pilot Project

Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan, father of the Comilla Cooperatives and the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP), both internationally renowned development models, died in the United States on October 08, 1999. To carry on his life’s work...

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