Articles Tagged: Karachi

Illegality and The Built Environment in Karachi

(Illegality has been put in parenthesis in the title and the text, because laws are strange things. Thousands of people were convicted under built environment related apartheid laws in South Africa and Israeli law and...

Karachi: What the Census Tells Us

The 1998 Karachi census results have confirmed what a small group of researchers and activists have been saying all along regarding changing physical and social conditions in the city and about the fact that the...

The Social and Demographic Change in Karachi

Major changes took place in Karachi between 1947 and 1951. Six hundred thousand inhabitants were added to its population; the Hindu population decreased from 51 to 2 per cent while the Muslim population increased to...

Karachi’s Physical Planning Issues on the Eve of the Millennium

If proper rules, regulations and procedures for regularisation of building and land use violations, commercialisation and non-utilisation fee are developed for the KDA, the major source of corruption and public inconvenient will be removed. Also, if the KDA Director General is given the power to choose his own team and to determine postings and transfers within his organisation, (which he does not have at present) he can be held responsible for the affairs of KDA.

The Informal City

This paper will deal with the physical and social changes that have taken place over the past two decades in informal settlements and in the informal provision of services and jobs.

The “Barefoot” Architect

In the last century massive social, political and demographic changes have taken place in the Third World due to colonial occupation, the industrial revolution and its global repercussions, and the nature and aspirations of the post-World War two liberation movements and their geo-political alignments.

Evaluation of the Treatment of Karachi Sewage by Recycling and Creating a Livestock Farm in Desert Land

The Development Objectives of the Project according to the Project Document were : improve public health in Karachi by removing sewage from large population centres to a lightly populated and well-managed sewage farm; maximize utilIzation...

Evaluation of the Karachi Master Plan 1986 – 2000

The project document for the Karachi Master Plan 1986-2000 (PAK/86/029) was prepared in 1986 on the basis of work in a preparatory phase under UNCHS assistance. The Project Document was signed by the Government of...

Improving Karachi’s Metropolitan Living Environment through Strengthening Housing Sector Activities – Case Study of Karachi

In the 1980’s Karachi received a large number of refugees from Afghanistan and Iran. There are no definitive figures available but newspaper reports suggest a figure of over 400,000. Most of the Afghans belonged to...

Environmental Profile of Coastal Communities

The coastal talukas for the most part form part of the Indus delta. This area consists fo the Indus distributaries which discharge into numerous creeks that criss-cross the shore. All settlements are on the mud...

A Study on Metropolitan Fringe Development in Karachi, Focusing on Informal Land Subdivision

Excerpt from this report: The inadequate and inappropriate response of government policies to the problem of housing the poor has led to the development of what is termed an “informal sector” in housing. This sector...

A Changing Cityscape

In physical terms nothing remains of Karachi’s pre-British past. Yet we know the sites of important eighteenth and early nineteenth century buildings which have now been built over. We can still identify accurately the outlines...

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