Development (Karachi)

Karachi and the Global Nature of Urban Violence

In 1991, according to official figures, 466 murders were committed in Karachi; there were 802 attempted murders; 421 cases of rioting, many of them against civic agencies; 103 rapes; 140 kidnappings for ransom; 12 of...

Seven Reports on Housing

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Evaluation of the Karachi Master Plan 1986 – 2000

The project document for the Karachi Master Plan 1986-2000 (PAK/86/029) was prepared in 1986 on the basis of work in a preparatory phase under UNCHS assistance. The Project Document was signed by the Government of...

A Study on Metropolitan Fringe Development in Karachi, Focusing on Informal Land Subdivision

Excerpt from this report: The inadequate and inappropriate response of government policies to the problem of housing the poor has led to the development of what is termed an “informal sector” in housing. This sector...

A Pedestrian’s Saddar

On February 3, 1839, the HMS Wellesley bombarded the Fort of Manora. In the space of three hours the western arm of the fort was destroyed, and Karachi was enveloped in a cloud of smoke....

A Changing Cityscape

In physical terms nothing remains of Karachi’s pre-British past. Yet we know the sites of important eighteenth and early nineteenth century buildings which have now been built over. We can still identify accurately the outlines...

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