Housing Security and Related Issues – The Case of Karachi
Pakistan is a federation of four provinces. Each province has an elected provincial assembly and at the centre there is a national assembly in which every province is represented in proportion to its population. In...
Planning and Development Options for Karachi
Arif Hasan’s research work and analysis on human settlements and urban and rural development is contained in a number of books authored by him and in papers in international academic journals. Much of this work...
Small Towns: Governance and Migration
Download this Presentation – Small Towns: Governance and Migration [PDF, 1.5 MB]
The Scale and Causes of Urban Change in Pakistan
The census process and results are very important in the political context of Pakistan. There are a number of reasons for this. The number of seats in the national assembly for each province are allocated on the...
Sindh: State of Environment and Development
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Access To Shelter
Shelter is not just a roof over one’s head. It has to be seen as part of a larger physical and social environment which is referred to by planners as housing which means access to land, physical infrastructure, nearness to places of work or access to comfortable transportation, and social infrastructure.
Livelihood Substitution: The Case of the Lyari Expressway
Surveys were carried out in settlements in a one-kilometre stretch along the northern bank of the Lyari River which collectively contain approximately 2,000 houses. They include both regularised areas as well as unauthorised katchi abadis (square settlements). The results of these surveys are analysed here.
The Lyari Expressway: Citizen’s Concerns and Community Resistance
The Lyari River rises in the foothills of the Kirthar Range. It is a seasonal river and flows only when it rains in its catchment area. Such rains never last for more than ten to...
Lyari Expressway: Citizens Concerns and Community Opposition (Abstract)
The Northern Bypass was proposed by the 1975-85 Karachi Master Plan to create a direct link between the Port and the Super Highway to the north, as a result of which, heavy diesel port related traffic would not have to pass through the city. For a number of reasons, which will be discussed in the paper, the Bypass was not built.
Understanding Karachi: Planning and Reform for the Future
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Karachi: What the Census Tells Us
The 1998 Karachi census results have confirmed what a small group of researchers and activists have been saying all along regarding changing physical and social conditions in the city and about the fact that the...
Planning for Karachi: An Agenda for Citizens and NGOs
Planning, like politics, is the art of the possible. Therefore, planning can only be effective if it relates to the social, economic and political reality of the society and region it is meant for. For...