Urban Development
Planning for Karachi: An Agenda for Citizens and NGOs
Planning, like politics, is the art of the possible. Therefore, planning can only be effective if it relates to the social, economic and political reality of the society and region it is meant for. For...
The Informal City
This paper will deal with the physical and social changes that have taken place over the past two decades in informal settlements and in the informal provision of services and jobs.
The blurb for this book is in Urdu. Please click on the thumbnail below for a clearer view and explanation of the book.
Working with Government
The success of OPP’s extensive low cost sanitation programme in Karachi’s working class settlement of Orangi demonstrates that low income communities can finance and manage the construction of an underground sanitation system at the neighbourhood...
Physical Infrastructure: Urbanisation and Urban Services
Outline of a Paper on Physical Infrastructure: Urbanisation and Urban Services; For the Development and Planning Division, Government of Pakistan
Housing Crisis in Central Asia
Independent states have emerged in Central Asia following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The media has paid considerable attention to the larger economic and social aspects of the transition of these states from a...
Urban Housing Policies and Approaches in a Changing Asian Context
Major changes are taking place in Asia, both at the macro level and “on the ground”. Liberalisation of the economy, strategic readjustment, the tourist and manufacturing boom and large scale demographic changes are creating both...
Views on Housing and Physical Planning Section of 9th Five Year Plan
Over 80 per cent of all housing in Pakistan is provided by the informal sector because of the following reasons.
Possible Directions for the Regulations and Bye-Laws Sub-Committee of the Oversee Committee of Karachi Building Control Authority (KBCA)
1. General 1.1 Zoning regulations and bye-laws have to respond to the needs of the city and the trends and directions of growth and change. It is essential to know these trends. The Karachi Development...
Participation By Whom?
Residents of informal settlements in Pakistan invest large sums of money in acquiring water and sanitation through community efforts. Where de-facto or de-jure tenure security exists, this investment is much larger. In the initial stages,...
Contribution for ACHR Newsletter – Habitat Issue
Twenty years ago the Habitat Conference accepted that the major problem in Asian cities was shelter for the poor who constitute over sixty five per cent of the population in urban Third World Asia. It...
Losing Their Census
In the absence of a fresh census, the projection of earlier trends into the nineties points towards a major shift in urban-rural demographic ratios, leading to significant political repercussions… Articles in the national press, letters...