Urban Development

A Pedestrian’s Saddar

On February 3, 1839, the HMS Wellesley bombarded the Fort of Manora. In the space of three hours the western arm of the fort was destroyed, and Karachi was enveloped in a cloud of smoke....

How to Shelter Urban Poor

The dimensions of the urban crisis in Pakistan are well known, and as such need no elaboration. The most important aspect of this crisis is related to the provision of land and shelter for lower...

Initiatives in Grassroot’s Participation

Over 40 percent of the population in our cities live in substandard housing, in squatter colonies, with no security of tenure. In spite of elaborate studies on this aspect of the problem, by national and international development agencies and experts, and in spite of the evolution and application of new and alternative strategies for development, the problem continues to grow.

The Housing Programme of the Orangi Pilot Project: Initial Thinking

Our aim in planning this study was to identify the roles of the various actors in the housing drama in Orangi and their relationship with each other on the one hand, and with materials, technology and culture on the other.

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