Culture & Heritage
Responding To The Transport Crisis In Karachi
Transport-related problems in Karachi have increased considerably in recent decades. Traffic congestion contributes to increased air and noise pollution, leading to health problems, high accident rates, and environmental degradation. It has also meant declining living...
Thar, Drought and Change
Rainfall figures over the last 100 years tell us that drought is no stranger to Thar. However, over centuries, Tharri society has devised ways to deal with it. One is migration to the barrage areas...
M. A Jinnah Road (Part I)
1996 – Arif Hasan Initiated and supervised the photographic documentation of M. A. Jinnah Road. This was done to record Karachi’s built heritage which was being threatened by the elevated light-rail project through this historic artery of the city.
Band names & Line-ups collected from Facebook Group: Legendary Musicians of Karachi
Compiled By Nurjehan Mawaz-Khan Recorded bands from 1960 to 1970: The Moon-Glows ~ Ronnie Rangel (vocals), Norman D’souza (rhythm), Colin D’souza (saxophone), Dominic Fernandes (drums), Maxi (bass) The Bugs ~ Farooq Fatah (guitar), Ayaz Fatah (guitar),...
Karachi Music Scene
Compiled By Nurjehan Mawaz-Khan All parties, discos, weddings had live music with senior musicians. Musicians were mainly from the Christian community: Goans, Banagalorians, Madrassis- Anglo-Indians. The best schools and hospitals were run by the Christians- Lady...
Karachi’s Cinema Culture (1950 – 1980)
Compiled by Nurjehan Mawaz-Khan There was a hugely popular cinema culture in Karachi, especially between the 1950s and the 1980s. Cinemas were to be found in every locality – Saddar, Landhi, Orangi, Korangi, Malir, Mauripur,...
Conservation and Its Four Components
A brief presentation on Conservation. This file is available for download: P02 Conservation and Its Four Components [PDF, 49 KB]
The Future of Nagarparkar
Nagarparkar, one of the four talukas of the Tharparkar District, is exceptional in scenic, historic and cultural terms for a number of reasons. It contains the dramatic Karunjar Hills, which rise to 300 metres. They...
Karachi’s Demographic Change and its Social Repercussions
The most important statistics in a population census are related to the social indicators of the age group of between 15 and 24. This is because this age group represents both the present and the...
A Walk Through Karachi’s Old Town Quarters
A walk through Karachi’s Old Town quarters (established in 1729 as a fortified trading post). Conditions in 2011.
TRDP – Micro-finance Based Village Tourism
Introduction Village based tourism plan of five selected villages in taluka Nagarparkar-study to identify the potential-implementation of the pilot testing in five villages-includes training and Exposures to artisans, entrepreneurs and local communities-microfinance facilities by TRDP...