How People House themselves Today

1. Background Previously people either squatted or lived in informal settlements. The government regularised these settlements, evicted them and/or relocated them. Today most NGO and CBO work is around preventing evictions, making relocations more humane...

Local Government Reform in Pakistan: Some Issues

My talk is derived from my personal experiences of working in various areas of Pakistan (mostly in Sindh and its capital city of Karachi), some literature that I value important surveys that have been conducted...

Task Force Report on Urban Development

The past reluctance to accord urban development its due place in policy planning has led to a large urban deficit, adversely affecting all dimensions of the cities, such as liveability, competitiveness, financial viability and good governance. The government is now committed to make progress towards achieving a “developed, industrialized and just Pakistan.”

Motorbike Transit

Since 1989, mass transit options for Karachi have been studied to death and every time the same options surfaced. Only their capital and operating costs increase. Two technical options surface. One is the light rail....

Motorbike Mass Transit

The number of motorbikes on the road of Karachi increased from 450,000 in 1990 to 500,000 in 2004. In 2010, the number of motorbikes was one million. By 2030, the Karachi Transportation and Improvement Project...

CSO Consultative Group: Voices of the Poor, By the Poor, For the Poor

The poor have to interact with other interest groups and with policy makers. With other interest groups interaction is necessary because the poor do not live in isolation. Interaction with the World Bank in Washington...

Poorer than Before

Since 1970 I have been involved with development related issues, both at the national and international level. This involvement has been in land, housing, physical and social infrastructure and research into the dynamics of urban...

Berlin Impressions: Occidentalism?

15 March 2011: Berlin Tegel Airport: Going back to Karachi after spending 11 days as Kamran’s guest at the Wissenschaftskolleg. It was not my first visit to Berlin but since it was a long one,...

The Conflict between the Carbon-free and the Neo-liberal City

Presentation for the Future of Cities Conference, Chatham House, London, To achieve a low carbon or a carbon-free city, it is necessary to reduce green house gases. It is well-established that this can be done...

Alternative Energy and Governance Issues

Urdu Bazaar is a much frequented book market in the central business district of Karachi. According to a survey organised by the authors, it has over 400 shops. Like other markets in the city, it...

Retrieving the Wisdom of those in Need: Community Healing in Time of Disaster

In this paper I will try to put down what I have observed in my work with disaster situations. But before I do that, I must explain where I am coming from. I am an...

Shirakati Taraqqi

This book is in Urdu. Please click on the thumbnail below to read the blurb.

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