Principles for Sustainable Urban Planning

Excerpt from the presentation: Planning has to respect the ecology and the natural environment of the area in which the city is located. Landuse has to be determined on the basis of social and environmental considerations and...

Planning and its Assumptions

All plans, zoning regulations and bye laws are based on assumptions. If the assumptions are wrong, then the plan does not work. Assumptions are wrong because a) The context is not researched and established. b)...

Conservation and Its Four Components

A brief presentation on Conservation. This file is available for download: P02 Conservation and Its Four Components [PDF, 49 KB]


Hindu Graveyard

From Micro-finance to the Building of Local Institutions

The Origins and Evolution of the Micro-credit Programme of the OPP’s Orangi Charitable Trust, Karachi, Pakistan The Orangi Pilot Project (OPP) was established by the renowned Pakistani social scientist Akhtar Hameed Khan in the informal settlement of Orangi,...


OPP Society – Yohsin Lecture Series

A talk at T2F highlighting Karachi’s transformation from a cosmopolitan colonial port city to a multi-ethnic, multi-class megacity. He focused on the social change and the conflict between emerging behavior patterns and traditional social values....

Inputs into the Karachi Strategic Development Plan (KSDP) 2020 and URC Matters

The URC has been represented by its chairman in the formulation and review of the KSDP 2020. Its inputs especially related to transport, housing and coastal development have been accommodated to a great extent. For...

The Gentrification of Karachi’s Coastline

Karachi has a 27 kilometre long coastline in addition to numerous creeks and mangrove forests. Most of this coastline is dotted with ancient fishing villages. More than half of it is visited by hundreds of thousands of Karachiites every...

The Gentrification of Karachi’s Coastline

1. Background Karachi has a 27 kilometre long coastline in addition to numerous creeks and mangrove forests. Most of this coastline is dotted with ancient fishing villages. More than half of it is visited by...

Kasbo Tourist Facility, Kasbo

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