Selected Guide Maps of Karachi (1949 – 1984)

Download individual Guide Maps for the following years:

  1. Karachi Guide Map – 1949 [PDF, 31.3MB]
  2. Karachi Guide Map – 1955 [PDF, 58.8MB]
  3. Karachi Guide Map – 1972-74 [PDF, 65.7MB]
  4. Karachi Guide Map – 1984 [PDF, 281KB]


  1. Nadeem Baig

    very good collection of information

    i am a geologist and used to work on KCR project, i used to be engaged with EA from 1999 till 2005.

    Posted September 22, 2013 at 3:41 pm | PermalinkReply
  2. Adnan Ahmed Varaich

    Thank you for uploading and sharing this treasure. Great work.
    Adnan Ahmed Varaich, Faisalabad

    Posted April 18, 2018 at 2:53 pm | PermalinkReply
  3. Sumaiya Siddiqui

    Not sure if this forum is still active. I have a Karachi and Environs map page (it is just a single leaf) from an Atlas that I would like to get dated. I have been trying to do my own research and only clue I have is that ” Agra Bank” liquidated in 1900. Some interesting marks are “Bombay Bank” ” Jaffar Fudoo Hospital”…”Wireless Tel. station” threw me off. An email where I can send a scanned copy. Thank you.

    Posted September 29, 2020 at 7:04 am | PermalinkReply

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