Seminar Papers

Social Housing Construction Company: Concept Note

Karachi requires 80,000 housing units every year for its growing population, backlog and replacement. The formal sector provides no more than 30,000 housing units. The demand-supply gap is met by the creation of katchi abadis on state land, densification of inner city low income areas or remains unmet.

The Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute’s Mapping Process and its Repercussions

This monograph deals with the process of development of expertise in the OPP-RTI and the communities it supports for mapping informal settlements and urban infrastructure.

Enacting Building Codes And Regulations

One of the major issues is the width of the roads which communities consider to be excessive. The reasons given for these widths are that they facilitate fire and health related emergency services. There is a need for a review of these regulations and standards for people have coped rather well with lower standards in slums, sometimes for well over three generations without being adversely affected.

Access To Shelter

Shelter is not just a roof over one’s head. It has to be seen as part of a larger physical and social environment which is referred to by planners as housing which means access to land, physical infrastructure, nearness to places of work or access to comfortable transportation, and social infrastructure.

Livelihood Substitution: The Case of the Lyari Expressway

Surveys were carried out in settlements in a one-kilometre stretch along the northern bank of the Lyari River which collectively contain approximately 2,000 houses. They include both regularised areas as well as unauthorised katchi abadis (square settlements). The results of these surveys are analysed here.

Urban and Regional Planning – Past Precedents and Future Prospects

Since the development of the bronze-age civilizations human settlements and agricultural production have always been planned in some form or the other; there was always a close relationship between the two. The extent of agricultural surplus and trade in its manufactured goods determined the size of the city.

Appropriate Building Design for Uch and Other Cities of Southern Punjab

1. Preamble The Conservation and Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) Lahore, was commissioned by the UNDP (Islamabad office) for carrying out a number of activities related to the preparation of Appropriate Building Design for Uch and Other...

The Lyari Expressway: Citizen’s Concerns and Community Resistance

The Lyari River rises in the foothills of the Kirthar Range. It is a seasonal river and flows only when it rains in its catchment area. Such rains never last for more than ten to...

Rural Sanitation

Before pop­u­la­tion den­si­ties increased, san­i­ta­tion was not a major envi­ron­men­tal and health prob­lem for the rural areas. Vil­lages were small and most peo­ple went out into the fields to answer the call of nature. The...

Lyari Expressway: Citizens Concerns and Community Opposition (Abstract)

The Northern Bypass was proposed by the 1975-85 Karachi Master Plan to create a direct link between the Port and the Super Highway to the north, as a result of which, heavy diesel port related traffic would not have to pass through the city. For a number of reasons, which will be discussed in the paper, the Bypass was not built.

The Scaling-Up of the OPP’s Low Cost Sanitation Programme Through CBO-NGO-Local Government Partnerships in Pakistan

The objective of the project was to understand the problems of Orangi and their causes; through action research develop solutions that people can manage finance and build; provide people with technical guidance and managerial support to implement the solutions; in the process overcome constraints that governments face in upgrading katchi abadis

The Death of the Indus Delta

This is not a technical paper. It consists primarily of observations regarding the changes that have occurred in the physical and social environment of the delta region in my life time. As a child and...

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