
The mazar & BRT

IN 1994 Karachi citizens of all walks of life got together to create the Citizens’ Forum on Mass Transit. Through this organisation they opposed the construction of an elevated light rail through the whole length...

Responding To The Transport Crisis In Karachi

Transport-related problems in Karachi have increased considerably in recent decades. Traffic congestion contributes to increased air and noise pollution, leading to health problems, high accident rates, and environmental degradation. It has also meant declining living...

Exploring Karachi Transport

The exponential increase in Karachi’s population, the change in its demographic indicators, the spatial spread of housing and the geographical concentration of livelihoods opportunities mean increasing transport pressures. This paper is a series of case...

Drivers of climate change vulnerability at different scales in Karachi

Karachi, a city of around 20 million people, is facing a crisis of governance that is reflected in the poor state of service delivery, and unplanned and unsustainable urbanisation. The city’s development shortcomings, and attendant...

Karachi Diagnostic

PROJECTS supported by international loans have a poor history in Karachi. The process of setting up the project after negotiating the loan follows a familiar pattern. A posh project office is established, expensive cars and...

Urbanization Trends in South Asia – The Case of Karachi

Urbanization Trends Unprecedented migration Densification of informal settlements (due to necessity) Densification of formally planned areas (speculation with government support) The impact of neo-liberal policies: Housing to be accessed from the market Increasing housing-supply gap...

Ugly Karachi

KARACHI is becoming an increasingly anarchic, ugly and divided city — but is loved and glorified by its comparatively well-to-do citizens, public intellectuals and those in search of an identity. Loving Karachi is understandable but...

Findings of Quantitative Survey of Challenges of Using Footpaths in Selected Localities of Karachi

In Karachi, a continuous creepy privatization of public spaces that includes footpaths as well, by formal and informal commercial sector is resulting in denial of right to walk and right to way for the pedestrians....

Neo-liberalism and its Impact on Urban Planning in South Asia

Neo-liberalism has brought about fundamental changes in vocabulary, concepts and relationships between different actors in the urban development drama. Download complete presentation: [Powerpoint Slide (64MB)] [PDF (41MB)]

Road map needed

RESEARCH by the Urban Resource Centre Karachi has established that in the absence of a reasonable transport system a large percentage of women do not work, children often do not get to school, time and...

State of Transport

THE Sindh government’s Karachi Mass Transit Plan 2030 contains six bus rapid transit (BRT) corridors. At a well-attended public meeting arranged by the Sindh Environment Protection Agency, the Mass Transit Master Plan and the Environment...

Urban Land Reform

OVER the last two years, there have been numerous seminars, workshops and happenings around Karachi issues. The dominant theme has been one of nostalgia. Senior citizens have spoken about a once liberal city of bars,...

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