The Coal Project

THARPARKAR is not like the Sahara Desert. In the valleys between its sand dunes there are millions of trees (that nature has created and sustained over centuries) and rain-fed agriculture. After the rains its rangeland,...

The Inadequacy of Existing Heritage Related Laws and Institutions for Karachi

Click here to download the presentation given at IAP Karachi

Paposh Nagar


Khuda ki Basti

Fahad Square

The mazar & BRT

IN 1994 Karachi citizens of all walks of life got together to create the Citizens’ Forum on Mass Transit. Through this organisation they opposed the construction of an elevated light rail through the whole length...

Responding To The Transport Crisis In Karachi

Transport-related problems in Karachi have increased considerably in recent decades. Traffic congestion contributes to increased air and noise pollution, leading to health problems, high accident rates, and environmental degradation. It has also meant declining living...

NRSP Hyderabad

KCR Concerns

THE Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) is arguably the most important project in the pipeline since it connects the four areas where over 45 per cent of Karachi’s jobs are located with important low- and middle-income...

Karachi Diagnostic

PROJECTS supported by international loans have a poor history in Karachi. The process of setting up the project after negotiating the loan follows a familiar pattern. A posh project office is established, expensive cars and...

Urbanization Trends in South Asia – The Case of Karachi

Urbanization Trends Unprecedented migration Densification of informal settlements (due to necessity) Densification of formally planned areas (speculation with government support) The impact of neo-liberal policies: Housing to be accessed from the market Increasing housing-supply gap...

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