Icon Remembered

DR Akhtar Hameed Khan, the iconic South Asian social scientist, died in the US on Oct 8, 1999. His body was brought to Karachi and buried in the compound of the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP),...

Houses Or Housing?

The seriousness of the housing issue in Pakistan can be judged from the fact that conservative estimates put the housing backlog at 9 million units which is increasing at 300,000 units annually because of unmet...

City Running Dry

THERE are neighbourhoods in Karachi that receive water for one or two hours every 36 days; there are those who have not received water for the past six months or more; and there are those...

Climate Concerns

THE government of Pakistan is taking climate change seriously, and so are other research and development organisations. A climate change ministry has been set up at the federal level along with a climate change national...

The Crisis of Urban Housing

Pakistan is the seventh-most populist country in the world. According to the 2017 census, its population is 207.7 million and has grown at the rate of 2.4 percent per year in the intercensal period. Its...

Houses Or Housing?

The seriousness of the housing issue in Pakistan can be judged from the fact that conservative estimates put the housing backlog at 9 million units which is increasing at 300,000 units annually because of unmet...

Avoidable Deaths

FOR the last two years, the entire nation, led by the media, has been preoccupied with issues of corruption, offshore companies and Supreme Court verdicts. As a result, issues such as water, sanitation, education and...

Avoidable Deaths

FOR the last two years, the entire nation, led by the media, has been preoccupied with issues of corruption, offshore companies and Supreme Court verdicts. As a result, issues such as water, sanitation, education and...

Up In The Air

I AM 75 years old, and as far as I can remember, the civil-military establishment in Pakistan has always told us that the country is in danger. However, they never told us why we were...

Where’s Empress Market?

KARACHI’S pre-Partition mayors and colonial administration placed most of our beautiful institutional and iconic buildings on the axis of important roads. As a result, these buildings, before pollution obscured them from view, could be seen...

Where’s Empress Market?

KARACHI’S pre-Partition mayors and colonial administration placed most of our beautiful institutional and iconic buildings on the axis of important roads. As a result, these buildings, before pollution obscured them from view, could be seen...

Chaotic city area

KARACHI’S central business district (CBD) is normally considered to lie between Lea Market to the north, Maulvi Tamiz¬zuddin Road to the south and between the Quaid’s mazaar to the east and Merewether Tower to the...

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