Housing Security and Related Issues – The Case of Karachi

Pakistan is a federation of four provinces. Each province has an elected provincial assembly and at the centre there is a national assembly in which every province is represented in proportion to its population. In...

Housing Security and Related Issues: The Case of Karachi

Pakistan is a federation of four provinces. Each province has an elected provincial assembly and at the centre there is a national assembly in which every province is represented in proportion to its population. In...

Coastal Development and the KSDP 2020 Provisions

In the last three years various proposals for the development of upmarket real estate and elite recreational facilities along the Karachi waterfront have been floated. These include the DHA Waterfront Development Project along 14 kilometres...

Resilience, Sustainability and Development: Some as Yet Undefined Issues

I have enjoyed reading the papers of John Paul Lederach and Jill Simone Gross. The concept of resilience as put forward in them, both in dealing with issues related to displacement and violence and related...

Note of the Establishment of Urban Development Centre, Sindh

This note is being written with reference to the draft Scheme PC-1 for the establishment of the UDC and the meeting convened on the subject by the Chief Economist Sindh on 23rd September 2008. Since...

Teaching the Theory of Architecture

Recently I have been involved in a number of discussions with teachers from architecture schools in Pakistan regarding the teaching of theory. I would like to share a few experiences and ideas. I taught design regularly at...

Planning and Development Options for Karachi

Arif Hasan’s research work and analysis on human settlements and urban and rural development is contained in a number of books authored by him and in papers in international academic journals. Much of this work...

Land, CBOs and the Karachi Circular Railway

ABSTRACT The Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) was planned in 1962 as a goods service linking fi ve important work areas of the city. Subsequently, it was upgraded for commuter use as well. Pakistan Railways now wish to...

The Proposed Densification of Karachi

From press reports, a number of emails and visits from fellow architects, I gather that the government of Sindh has decided to get the KBCA to revise its building byelaws and zoning regulations to increase...

Only Questions: No Answers

I belong to a generation that has lived through many periods of hope: hope that was shattered again and again. One of the reasons why hopes generated in such periods were never realised was our...

The Hawkers of Saddar Bazaar

Saddar’s problems can only be solved as part of a larger city planning exercise that deals with the traffic and transport problems of the city in general and Saddar in particular. The hawkers and entertainers...

Hawkers of Saddar – Photographs

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