SRSO Complex, Sukkur

The World Class City Concept and its Repercussions on Urban Planning for Cities in the Asia Pacific Region

(The contents of this paper are drawn from my personal experiences of working or being associated with programmes and projects in a number of Asian cities over the last two and a half decades and...

Architectural Theory

A dialogue with Dawood College students and faculty on Architectural Theory. This presentation is available for download: P01 – Architectural Theory [PDF, 2.2 MB]

Density Study of Low and Lower Income Settlements in Karachi

Excerpt from this presentation: There is a growing trend in Asian cities to demolish low income informal settlements and relocate their residents in six to eight storey apartment blocks. There is sufficient evidence to suggest...

Ahsan House

Bay Zabta Inquilab

The blurb for this book is in Urdu. Please click on the book.

Karachi Mansooba Saazi aur Taraqiati Mutabadilat

The blurb for this book is in Urdu. Please click on the thumbnail below to view a larger image of the blurb:

The Unplanned Revolution: Observations on the Processes of Socio-Economic Change in Pakistan

This book identifies past socio-economic conditions in the different ecological regions of Pakistan as viewed by the communities the author has worked or interacted with, present conditions, and emerging trends. It also identifies the actors...

AGFE Mission Istanbul

From June 8th to 12 2009, the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions to the Executive Director  of UN-HABITAT carried out a mission to Istanbul Metropolitan Region to address the problem of forced evictions. Reports from...

Migration and Small Towns in Pakistan

The book describes the political, geographical, and ecological contexts within which migrations to and from Pakistan have taken place. These include migrations from India because of the establishment of the canal colonies, partition and the...

Nagarparkar Taluka Planning Project Background and Proposals

Between August and October 2008, Arif Hasan and his colleagues from Hasan and Polak (architects and planners) visited Nagarparkar Taluka several times and had discussions with the TRDP, local communities and local government representatives and agencies at various...

Nagarparkar – Agricultural Land

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Nagarparkar Images

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