Band names & Line-ups collected from Facebook Group: Legendary Musicians of Karachi

Compiled By Nurjehan Mawaz-Khan Recorded bands from 1960 to 1970: The Moon-Glows ~ Ronnie Rangel (vocals), Norman D’souza (rhythm), Colin D’souza (saxophone), Dominic Fernandes (drums), Maxi (bass) The Bugs ~ Farooq Fatah (guitar), Ayaz Fatah (guitar),...

Karachi Music Scene

Compiled By Nurjehan Mawaz-Khan All parties, discos, weddings had live music with senior musicians. Musicians were mainly from the Christian community: Goans, Banagalorians, Madrassis- Anglo-Indians. The best schools and hospitals were run by the Christians- Lady...

Karachi’s Cinema Culture (1950 – 1980)

Compiled by Nurjehan Mawaz-Khan There was a hugely popular cinema culture in Karachi, especially between the 1950s and the 1980s. Cinemas were to be found in every locality – Saddar, Landhi, Orangi, Korangi, Malir, Mauripur,...

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