Articles Tagged: Urbanisation

Physical Infrastructure: Urbanisation and Urban Services

Outline of a Paper on Physical Infrastructure: Urbanisation and Urban Services; For the Development and Planning Division, Government of Pakistan

Losing Their Census

In the absence of a fresh census, the projection of earlier trends into the nineties points towards a major shift in urban-rural demographic ratios, leading to significant political repercussions… Articles in the national press, letters...

The “Barefoot” Architect

In the last century massive social, political and demographic changes have taken place in the Third World due to colonial occupation, the industrial revolution and its global repercussions, and the nature and aspirations of the post-World War two liberation movements and their geo-political alignments.

The Unresolved Conflict

Since 1947, when Pakistan was created, major demographic, social and economic changes have taken place in the country. These changes are so enormous that they can be termed revolutionary. However, they have not been institutionalised...

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