Articles Tagged: Solid Waste

Some Water and Sanitation Related Issues: Initial Thoughts

1. Observed and Documented Ground Realities 1.1       In the urban areas of Pakistan sewage schemes have been formally planned over the years to dispose into the natural drainage system. This reality is often ignored when trying...

A Development Plan for Karachi

The purpose of a development plan is to create a physical environment and support structures that promote social harmony, economic betterment, and improved health conditions. An understanding of the city and its trends is a...

Lyari Expressway Controversy

PREAMBLE The Northern Bypass was proposed by the Karachi Master Plan 1975-85. If the bypass had been built, all port related traffic, which now passes through the city, would have been redirected through it to...

Integrating Recycling and Disposal System for Solid Waste Management in Karachi

It is estimated that the city of Karachi generates 6,000 tonnes of solid waste every day. Of this 600 tonnes of recycleable waste per day is separated at source by housewives, domestic servants, market employees...

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