Articles Tagged: sanitation

Background Paper on Sanitation and National Sanitation Policy

According to the Population Census 1998, Pakistan’s urban growth rate is 3.5 per cent. Its urban population has increased from 23.8 million in 1981 to 43 million in 1998, that is, from 28.3 per cent...

Some Water and Sanitation Related Issues: Initial Thoughts

1. Observed and Documented Ground Realities 1.1       In the urban areas of Pakistan sewage schemes have been formally planned over the years to dispose into the natural drainage system. This reality is often ignored when trying...

A Decade of Urban Decay

During the 1980s, Pakistan’s urban population increased from 28.3 to 31.2 percent of its total population. Expressed in these terms, the increase does not seem excessive. However, what these figures mean is that in the...

The OPP Sanitation Project

The OPP Sanitation Project: What needs to be done I have spent two days in Orangi and looked at the Sanitation Project. My comments are as under: 1. The process adopted by Dr. Khan is...

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