Articles Tagged: participatory development

The Sanitation Programme of the Orangi Pilot Project – Research and Training Institute, Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan requires 350,000 new housing units per year for its urban areas. The formal sector is able to supply only 120,000 housing units per year.

Reconstruction of Earthquake Affected Areas

According to the 1998 Housing Census, there were 807,605 housing units in the twelve earthquake effected districts of Azad Kashmir and the NWFP. It is estimated that fifty per cent of this housing stock has...

The Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute’s Mapping Process and its Repercussions

This monograph deals with the process of development of expertise in the OPP-RTI and the communities it supports for mapping informal settlements and urban infrastructure.

OPP – Community Participation and Modification in Sanitation Technology

The house owners have understood the importance of sanitation and sewerage, not only to safeguard their health from infectious diseases, but to save their valuable houses from water-logging.

The OPP Sanitation Project

The OPP Sanitation Project: What needs to be done I have spent two days in Orangi and looked at the Sanitation Project. My comments are as under: 1. The process adopted by Dr. Khan is...

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