Articles Tagged: informal sector
Urban Land Management Study: The Informal Sector
Download the full report: Urban Land Management Study: The Informal Sector [PDF, 4.4 MB]
The Sanitation Programme of the Orangi Pilot Project – Research and Training Institute, Karachi, Pakistan
Pakistan requires 350,000 new housing units per year for its urban areas. The formal sector is able to supply only 120,000 housing units per year.
The Informal City
This paper will deal with the physical and social changes that have taken place over the past two decades in informal settlements and in the informal provision of services and jobs.
Urban Poverty Alleviation – Policy Orientation
Poverty alleviation is a term and concept that is being used, discussed and applied in a big way in Pakistan for the last couple of years. This term is creating a mindset that increasingly ignores the causes of poverty and seeks only to address their effects.
Views on Housing and Physical Planning Section of 9th Five Year Plan
Over 80 per cent of all housing in Pakistan is provided by the informal sector because of the following reasons.
Day of the Middleman
The no confidence motion moved by the COP in the national assembly, and the political manoeuvring that accompanied it, has dominated the national media for the past few weeks. Both parliamentary groups emphasised that only...
Community Development Groups in the Urban Field in Pakistan
The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) in Pakistan has so far concentrated its activities on providing assistance to rural development. However, between 1972 and 1981, the urban population of Pakistan has increased from 25 percent of...
How to Shelter Urban Poor
The dimensions of the urban crisis in Pakistan are well known, and as such need no elaboration. The most important aspect of this crisis is related to the provision of land and shelter for lower...
Initiatives in Grassroot’s Participation
Over 40 percent of the population in our cities live in substandard housing, in squatter colonies, with no security of tenure. In spite of elaborate studies on this aspect of the problem, by national and international development agencies and experts, and in spite of the evolution and application of new and alternative strategies for development, the problem continues to grow.