The Churches, Temples, and Shrines of Karachi

This study was initiated by Arif Hasan in 1987 and was carried out until 2010. The research work was conducted by Architect Aqsa Mumtaz. She was assisted by an engineer, Abdul Hakim, from Arif Hasan’s office. Subsequently, the study was added to and edited by Architect Nurjehan Marwat Khan. The final editing and formatting has been done by Hamza Arif.

Literature consulted for the study includes Muhammad Usman Damohi’s ‘Karachi in the Mirror of History’, A.A. Brohi’s ‘Tombs can Speak’, a text of the Tazkira-e-Auliya genre, and Tohfat-ul-Karam by Mir Ali Sher Qania.

The text also includes information gathered from discussions with the caretakers of the Churches and Temples. The section on Shrines borrows heavily from the work of Muhammad Usman Damohi.

[Click here to download the PDF version of this report]


  1. Vincent G Thomas

    I was born, 1934, in Karachi and brought up, until 14 years of age before leaving for Mumbai, India.
    Our address was 45 Bunder Road, across from Said Manzal. Dr. Said was a friend since my grandmother, Dr. Anna Thomas had a ten bed maternity home next to our home ( which we were renting); on the other side was a Parsi family. Upstairs of our house there was a women’s school run by a family of Sikhs. They left immediately after partition; we left in 1948.
    Am writing some reminisces and was wondering what Bunder Road looks like now.There were small gardens with water fountains ( most times without water) along the street at that time,

    Posted April 6, 2020 at 2:49 am | PermalinkReply
    • indu

      Hello Vincent, I really hope you got to see what your former house looks like. I came across your grandmother’s name in a book I was reading on pre-partition Sindh and put up a twitter comment and someone sent me your comment. As someone who is studying Travancore history for a book I am working on and a fellow Malayali, I was fascinated by your grandparents story and thought I’d leave you a message in the hope you will see this.

      Posted January 31, 2022 at 9:10 am | PermalinkReply
    • Affan Ali

      Nice to Hear that I love History stories of old people story of past how the world look like can you email me?

      Posted July 27, 2023 at 6:59 pm | PermalinkReply

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