The Neo-Liberal Urban Development Paradigm and Civil Society Responses in Karachi, Pakistan

Appendix 3 – The Emerging Karachi Network

  1. NGOs
    1. Orangi Pilot Project-Research and Training Institute
    2. Orangi Charitable Trust
    3. Aurat Foundation
    4. Shirkatgah
    5. Citizen’s Committee for Civic Problems
    6. Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
    7. Urban Working Group
    8. Pakistan Institute of Labour Education and Research
    9. Shehri
    10. Saiban
    11. Urban Resource Centre
  2. 38 CBOs
  3. Media Organisations
    1. Jung Forum
    2. ICN
    3. Press Club
    4. Manduck Productions
  4. Interest Groups
    1. Minibus Drivers Associations
    2. Transport Ittehad
    3. Tanker Owners Association
    4. Karachi Bus Owners Association
    5. Solid Waste Recyclers Associations (6)
    6. Hawkers Associations (8)
    7. Kabari Welfare Anjuman
    8. Scavengers Associations
  5. Government Departments
    1. Sindh Katchi Abadi Authority
    2. City Government Mass Transit Cell
    3. Karachi Public Transport Society
    4. Sindh Cultural Heritage Committee
    5. Karachi Master Plan Department
  6. Academic Institutions
    1. Dawood College, Department of Architecture and Planning
    2. NED University, Department of Architecture and Planning
    3. Karachi University:
      1. Department of Architecture and Planning
      2. Social Works Department
      3. Mass Communications
  7. National Institute of Public Administration

Appendix 4

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