Seminar Papers
Participation By Whom?
Residents of informal settlements in Pakistan invest large sums of money in acquiring water and sanitation through community efforts. Where de-facto or de-jure tenure security exists, this investment is much larger. In the initial stages,...
The Role of the Informal Sector in Provision of Urban Housing and Facilities
The formal sector in housing in Pakistan caters to less than 20 percent of the housing demand. Seventy two percent of this demand is for low and lower middle income housing. The major reason for...
A View of Architectural Education
Like many architects of my generation I started to question the conventional role of an architect working in a Third World city. I saw clearly that my work did not deal with any of the issues related to the crisis of the built environment in Karachi or in the other areas of Pakistan where I was working.
Grand Seminar on Mega-Cities
My topic is an Asian overview of patterns of violence with special focus on Karachi. I am not a social scientist nor have I ever done any research on violence. However, I have in the...
Report on a Visit to the Shahjalal Housing Trust Project, Sylhet, Bangladesh
1. Introduction The Shahjalal Housing Trust (SHT) has been trying to set up a rental housing scheme in Sylhet with the support of Homeless International (HI). In this connection, SHT and HI have been in...
Government, International Agencies and OPP Collaboration for the Replication of OPP‘S Low Cost Sanitation Programme
Orangi Township is the largest squatter settlement in Karachi. It is spread over 8,000 acres and has a population of about 900,000 living in 94,122 houses.
The “Barefoot” Architect
In the last century massive social, political and demographic changes have taken place in the Third World due to colonial occupation, the industrial revolution and its global repercussions, and the nature and aspirations of the post-World War two liberation movements and their geo-political alignments.
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture: Impression and Comments
Sitting through the discussions of the Steering Committee [...] I came to realise the potential that the Award possesses for positively effecting the physical environment of our cities and rural areas.
Housing and Health
Introduction The relationship of housing with health is well established. This is obvious from the town planning and building regulations which determine various physical aspects of urban and architectural design all over the world. Architects...
The Low Cost Sanitation Programme of the OPP
The Low Cost Sanitation Programme was the first programme of the Orangi Pilot Project (OPP). As a result of its research and extension effort 1683 lanes out of 3052 lanes have acquired an underground drainage...
OPP Six Questions
This paper will limit itself to answering a number of questions which have been raised by professionals, social workers and the public at large.
Initiatives in Grassroot’s Participation
Over 40 percent of the population in our cities live in substandard housing, in squatter colonies, with no security of tenure. In spite of elaborate studies on this aspect of the problem, by national and international development agencies and experts, and in spite of the evolution and application of new and alternative strategies for development, the problem continues to grow.