
Lament of a Relocated Person

They came with bulldozers And a gun carrying police force They gave no notice They held no dialogue They turned the house I built Brick by brick Over thirty years Into unusable rubble.   The...

Istanbul – Side Street on Istiklal

Small street Loads of tables Some topped with cheap formica Others of marble with their edges chipped off People playing board games Blond women – pretty but not flirtatious No wine but strong Vodka Sheeshas...

Istanbul: In The Square Opposite The Yemi Jami

Friday – Quranic recitation Qirat – very beautiful Sitting at a drink kiosk In the square opposite Yemi Jami Under an umbrella Purchased for ten lira It is raining The kiosk owner and waiter are...


A cafe in Belleville At the cross roads I sit at a window table To watch the world go by As Paris taught me Forty six years ago. I do not take coffee any more...

Sindh Saghar

I am torn between the court and the shrine between the bohemian poet and the dervaish between shaping nature and surrendering to it between the world of the ganga jamna doab and sindh sagar each evening I...


the gate of the jama masjid morning prayer time and on the face of delhi a sad smile of wisdom and in my being an intense aloneness on one hand is the dying urdu pronunciation the...

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