
Traffic and Mass Transit Issues: Lessons from Other Countries

“It is very clear today that solving traffic problems by building more and bigger roads is like trying to put out a fire by gasoline” Enrique Penalosa, the mayor who solved Bogota’s traffic problems In...

Reconstruction of Earthquake Affected Areas

According to the 1998 Housing Census, there were 807,605 housing units in the twelve earthquake effected districts of Azad Kashmir and the NWFP. It is estimated that fifty per cent of this housing stock has...

Some Water and Sanitation Related Issues: Initial Thoughts

1. Observed and Documented Ground Realities 1.1       In the urban areas of Pakistan sewage schemes have been formally planned over the years to dispose into the natural drainage system. This reality is often ignored when trying...

A Partitioning of Clifton Beach

The Defence Housing Authority (DHA) has taken over the Clifton Beach and developed it from McDoland’s to the Salt and Pepper Restaurant. A stone embankment wall has been built on which people can sit and...

Karachi: Past, Present and Future

Legend has it that Karrack Bunder was an important port on the Arabian Sea in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. It handled the South Indian-Central Asian trade and was situated about forty kilometres...

The Mega Projects that Karachi Needs

Two mega projects are under construction in Karachi. One is the Lyari Expressway and the other is the Northern Bypass. The Lyari Expressway at best is a controversial project. It has been criticised by academics,...

Understanding Karachi’s Traffic Problems

Karachi’s traffic and transport problems are increasing rapidly. There are huge traffic jams every day inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of commuters; pavements and even entire streets have been encroached upon at all key transit locations,...

Karachi Mass Transit: What we can learn from others

Recently, a seminar on rail based mass transit systems was arranged in Karachi by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport Pakistan and the Mass Transit Cell of the Karachi City Government. In a paper...

Towards a Drainage System for Karachi

As predicted in various newspaper articles, research monographs by Karachi academics and professionals and NGO researchers and activists, the monsoons have devastated the city. They will devastate the city again, irrespective of how much money...

A Development Plan for Karachi

The purpose of a development plan is to create a physical environment and support structures that promote social harmony, economic betterment, and improved health conditions. An understanding of the city and its trends is a...

Lyari Expressway Controversy

PREAMBLE The Northern Bypass was proposed by the Karachi Master Plan 1975-85. If the bypass had been built, all port related traffic, which now passes through the city, would have been redirected through it to...

No to the Lyari Expressway

The immense humanitarian disaster (physical, social and economic) that is being created as a result of the building of the Lyari Expressway has been covered by the press. Urban planning considerations for and against the...

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