
Principles for Sustainable Urban Planning

Excerpt from the presentation: Planning has to respect the ecology and the natural environment of the area in which the city is located. Landuse has to be determined on the basis of social and environmental considerations and...

Planning and its Assumptions

All plans, zoning regulations and bye laws are based on assumptions. If the assumptions are wrong, then the plan does not work. Assumptions are wrong because a) The context is not researched and established. b)...

The World Class City Concept

The World Class City Concept and Its Repercussions on Urban Planning for Cities in the South. This file is available for download: The World Class City Concept [PDF, 6.8 MB]

The World Class City Concept and its Repercussions on Urban Planning for Cities in the Asia Pacific Region

(The contents of this paper are drawn from my personal experiences of working or being associated with programmes and projects in a number of Asian cities over the last two and a half decades and...

Nagarparkar Taluka Planning Project Background and Proposals

Between August and October 2008, Arif Hasan and his colleagues from Hasan and Polak (architects and planners) visited Nagarparkar Taluka several times and had discussions with the TRDP, local communities and local government representatives and agencies at various...

Nagarparkar Talluka Planning Project

This Report is available for download in 3 Volumes: 1. TRDP I – Existing Conditions & Future Scenarios [PDF, 494KB] 2. TRDP II – Mapping Existing Conditions [PDF, 20MB] 3. TRDP III – Recommendations and...

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